Tiffany's English Blog

"Words are the voice of the heart." -Confucius

Portia vs. Jessica (similarities and differences) March 3, 2010

Filed under: Act II,The Merchant of Venice — tiffanycheung @ 10:40 AM
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-they both come from rich families

they both have affections for a man

Jessica is in love with Lorenzo and Portia appears to be in love with Bassanio

they are both restricted when it comes to love

Portia’s father takes away her power to choose her husband with the casket test

Shylock disapproves Jessica and Lorenzo’s relationship

they both don’t like their fathers

they are both against Judaism

Jessica is ashamed of being Jewish and wants to convert to Christianity

Portia appears to be quite rascist (Moroccan Prince) and is against Jews (fights against Shylock in court case)


Jessica betrays her father (elopes and steals); Portia submits herself to her father’s will

Portia has a long line of admirers, where as Jessica only has Lorenzo

Jessica is Jewish; Portia is christian

Jessica is ashamed of her Jewish background; Portia is proud of her family


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